Presentation (for download)
Questions & Answers
1. What is your company going to make?
Jogglee is a social network service and website with free online collaboration platform for all the creators and artists in entertainment, which will cover they needs from A-Z. Based on Facebook-like interface and features, Jogglee is a combination of Wiggio or Mavenlink-like collaboration tools, Reverbnation-like marketing tools, and a uniqe trading posibilities through Jogglee Licensing Programme (users can monetize not only their works but as well themselfs) supplied with a radio and TV streaming. Except typical social (profile, wall, chat, annotations, share), collaborative (file, workflow and team management) and marketing features (EPK, Widgets, Facebook Apps, Buzz Tracker, connection to social network profiles, detailed stats) enables users rent other users for fee (paid collaborators). If decides so, users can be a part of Jogglee Licencing Programme and may: - have a representative for themselves (individually - composers, writers, performers - or groups - bands, dance groups) - have a representative for their works and performances - have legal protecton and professional guidance - have special stats and reports overview (royalties, content usage, etc.) - promote themselves and their works and performances through banner campaigns - sale in Jogglee store and third-party digital stores - broadcast works on Jogglee radio, TV and trough third-party broadcasters - have a direct connection with professionals operating in entertainment (record labels, publishers, producers, managers, ad agencies, broadcasters) and have a access to their contests At this stage Jogglee will become - a virtual record label, publisher, agency, distributor, aggregator, agent etc. - a powerfull content holder with a huge catalogue of new artist, creators and works ready to trade (songs, videos, compositions, lyrics, performances, recordings, screenplays, slogans etc.) - a broker for represented content in contact with other business professionals in entertainment The larger content means larger interest - not only of business professionals and relevant subjects (software, hardware and technical equipment dealers and lessors), but also entertainment fans. Thank to this creators and artist will find "best of tools" for their needs in one place. It is not necessary to develope all features by Jogglee. By some of them we can use a known external application, which could be integrated or connected to Jogglee (Skype, Paypal, Teamviewer, etc) ------------- 2. Who are the founders Ladislav Matyinko; 42; 1998; university degree from psychology, pedagogy, physical education; [email protected];; M&M Brothers, s.r.o. - founder.+1 321 392 2656, +421 915 081 247. Juraj Matyinko; 38; 1998; university degree from economy; [email protected];; M&M Brothers, s.r.o.- founder. +421 915 081 248. ------------- 3. Please tell us in one or two sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that each founder has built or achieved As the producer, manager and member of our band - maduar - the best selling artist - the band of the year, video of the year, album of the year, song of the year - 8 No.1 in Czech republic and Slovakia As the co-founder of M&M Brothers indie label - the first ever representant of middle European indie labels set up and realized direct appointments and high level meetings with key people in music industry worldwide. Up to Mr. Richard Sanders - member of Senior management and President of International, Sony Music Entertainment in USA, NY - signed the first ever worldwide licensing contract for Slovak and Czech artist As the owner of sofa store - the best selling store in Slovakian sofas chain - Sedacky ------------- 4. Please tell us about the time you most successfully hacked some (non-computer) system to your advantage. Together with my brother: as the producer's, manager's and member's of our band - maduar - we hacked the Czech and Slovak music industry with english sung songs despite that all industry professionals excepted strictly native language from domestic artists - we hacked the Czech and Slovak music industry with dance music despite that all industry professionals excepted strictly rock and pop music from domestic artists - we hacked the Hungarian music industry with songs from Slovak artist and made No.1 hits despite the fact that countries have historically nationality problems - the first ever middle European artist placed with videos on Top international videocompilations as MixMash, PromoOnly - we hacked domestic single market with our singles and reached platinum and gold records despite that it was no domestic single market - we hacked renowned videocompilations MixMash - UK and PromoOnly - USA , as the first Czech and Slovak artist whose videos were placed there as founders of our company - we hacked the company policies of major record labels and get over 50 direct worldwide meetings (up to headquarters) despite that their rules are lead the negotiations only through local branches in the country the partner is coming from as store owners - thanks to special marketing we beat with little, garage sofa store in our house, in little village all other stores in chain placed in downtown of big cities in Slovakia ------------- 5. Please tell us about an interesting project, preferably outside of class or work, that two or more of you created together. Include urls if possible. maduar band - retail chain with sofas - sedacky - complete set up of new chain of sofa stores - ------------- 6. How long have the founders known one another and how did you meet? Have any of the founders not met in person? Since 1975 - we are brothers :-) ------------- 7. Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you're making? Because of 25 years experience in music industry and etertainment. Since 1986 - as an artist. Since 1994 after breakthrough in Czech republic and Slovakia - as managers and producers. Since 2000 as owners of the company - independent record label, publisher and agency - attended 2 international music exhibitions (Popkomm 2001, Midem 2002) followed up with more than 50 meetings with worldwide music industry representatives (2003 - 2006). Signed the licensing contract for 94 territories with Toco International 2006. Since 2007 monitoring the possibilities of internet in music industry and entertainment - tested online cooperation at production works of the album, videoclips, singles. Tried most of known internet applications usefull for entertainment - Facebook, Youtube, Myspace,, Joomla, Weebly, Dropbox, Soundcloud, Twitter, iLike, Mixpod, iTunes, Reverbnation, Kompoz, Wiggio - as well other usefull applications as SugarCRM, Buxfer, PayPal, Skype, Teamviewer, Toodledo - function, administration, benefits for our needs and activities from the side of artist, company and public. Now we know their strong and weak sides and their usability for people creating in entertainment as we spent a lot of time to get an overview. The result is - creators in entertainment have no platform to cover their professional needs. They must use various platforms, tools and features which have another mission and adapt them to their work. Moreover it takes a lot of time to make overview in growing internet possibilities and find a right combination of tools, so you can lose a track. It is a bad state for everyday work of professionals. That's why we create Jogglee. ------------- 8. What's new about what you're making? What substitutes do people resort to because it doesn't exist yet (or they don't know about it)? Most creators have a few basic needs. - have an online collaborative workspace (with enough place to store their works) - have a wide range possibilities of presentation - have a wide range possibilities of trading All this in one place with a detailed stats and overviews. There is no platform yet for creators and artists in entertainment where they can find all this needs in one place. Firstly - they are scattered on variety of sites according to the area in which they operate (for musicians, talents, creatives working in advertisement etc) or social networks - so they they dont know about of each other and can not collaborate. Secondly - no site cover all above mentioned needs - so users must to be a members of multiple sites - but they are not compatible so they need a multiple administration Thirdly - no site trade with full range of creators and artists rights - mostly all existing sites perform a mediating role between artists and digital stores and just some of them have a royalties programme, so creators and artists must trade with their works through physicall subjects working in entertainment (record labels, publishers, collecting societies etc) There is no platform yet for creators and artists with posibillity to rent collaborators for fee. There is no platform yet with full virtualization of existing processes in entertainment. ------------- 9. Who are your competitors, and who might become competitors? Who do you fear most? At the moment we do not know about any direct competitor - but is close - it reached cca 30% of what we want to do in Jogglee. In the future maybe itunes, last fm, youtube or major labels - but if we do with Jogglee well, they will probably become our partners, not competitors. ------------- 10. What do you understand about your business that other companies in it just don't get? Firstly - Other market players are focused on tested and verified content or customers only, not on creative people where all the content comes from. Secondly - Until for all entertainment professionals are unknown creators and artists worthless, we see a big business potential in them (For example In Czech republic and Slovakia only 1% of creative people are getting place in medias - so they are earning money for their works. The others are unused. The situation is similar in other countries. For those 99% Jogglee is a big chance to realize themselves.) This is our big advantage. If we have creative people - we hold the gold in our hands. Due the properly set online platform we can extend the use of international creative potential and participate on benefits therefrom even though it will be an unknown people and works. ------------- 11. How do or will you make money? How much could you make? (We realize you can't know precisely, but give your best estimate.) 1. From users - fees from paid interactivities between creators - renting collaborators - fees from internal services for users - additional storage for file hosting, paid addvertising, paid promotion Expected revenues - 10 600 000 Eur/ year by 1 mil users 2. From users participating in Jogglee Licensing Programme - shares from licensing rights - as a record label, publisher, agency, aggregator etc Expected revenues - 1 000 000 Eur/ year by 1 mil users 3. From advertisers - entertainment professionals - dealers and lessors operating in the entertainment industry (softwares, hradwers equipments suitable for Jogglee users) - others Expected revenues - 5 000 000 Eur/ year by 1 mil users 4. From special services - testings for medias (especially radios) - turn-key creations for advertising agencies and broadcasters Expected revenues - 1 000 000 Eur/ year by 1 mil users Total incomes: 17 600 000 Eur/ year by 1 mil. users = 24 640 000 USD/ year by 1 mil. users for more information see slide 8 in our presentation above or click here - ------------- 12. If you've already started working on it, how long have you been working and how many lines of code (if applicable) have you written? From 2007 - testing of several internet platforms usable in entertainment and testing real online collaboration and comunication on projects in entertainment (albums, singles, videoclips) November 2010 - acquired knowledge were reflected in the project Jogglee We have no line of code written. ------------- 13. How far along are you? Do you have a beta yet? If not, when will you? Are you launched? If so, how many users do you have? Do you have revenue? If so, how much? If you're launched, what is your monthly growth rate (in users or revenue or both)? We have a project yet. The beta version should be ready to use after 13 - 18 month. ------------- 14. If you have an online demo, what's the url? (Please don't password protect it; just use an obscure url.) We have no demo yet - but you can check our presentation above or you can use this URL: ------------- 15. How will you get users? If your idea is the type that faces a chicken-and-egg problem in the sense that it won't be attractive to users till it has a lot of users (e.g. a marketplace, a dating site, an ad network), how will you overcome that? The most effective way is creating the application for Facebook, or iPhone, as well as the possibility to connect Jogglee profile with social sites - it can quickly get information about Jogglee to the masses. Or we can imagine to have a partnership with some of those platforms where Jogglee will be recomended and comunicated. It could be interesting the Dropbox-like recommendation programme as well. For sure it will be helpful to have a banner campaign on music sites, where we can expect a big potential of creative people. Also we expect that Jogglee will be quickly shared through communities of active creators and they will recommend it to each other. ------------- 16. If you're already incorporated, when were you? Who are the shareholders and what percent does each own? If you've had funding, how much, at what valuation(s)? - ------------- 17. If you're not incorporated yet, please list the percent of the company you plan to give each founder, and anyone else you plan to give stock to. Ladislav Matyinko - 35% Juraj Matyinko - 35% Others - 30% ------------- 18. Which of the founders will commit to working exclusively (no school, no other jobs) on this project for the next year? Ladislav Matyinko Juraj Matyinko ------------- 19. Do any founders have commitments in the future (e.g. finishing college, going to grad school), and if so what? no ------------- 20. Where do you live now, and where would the company be based? Now - Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia / Cocoa Beach, FL, USA After - Cocoa Beach, FL, USA ------------- 21. Are any of the founders covered by noncompetes or intellectual property agreements that overlap with your project? Will any be working as employees or consultants for anyone else? no ------------- 22. Was any of your code written by someone who is not one of your founders? If so, how can you safely use it? (Open source is ok of course.) no ------------- |